Olaf Nijenkamp Bomen en Planten

Olaf Nijenkamp | Trees and plants

Since 1989, Olaf Nijenkamp Groothandel Tuinplanten BV has been supplying the complete range of garden plants to the professional landscape gardener. In the field of complete planting, we are a leader in the green sector. We are happy to offer the total solution for complete green projects. We do this for gardeners, large green space providers and municipalities. From flower box to terrace or from public garden to a green tender. We have become what we are thanks to a constant flow of small and large orders; every order is an important one for us. Our flat organization with very short lines of communication makes us a flexible, innovative company that can respond quickly to demand. A plant list with its diversity holds no secrets for Wholesale Garden Plants Olaf Nijenkamp. We have 30 years of experience and a wide network of growers throughout Europe. We have built up a lasting, trusted relationship with many suppliers and clients. Within our organization we pay a lot of attention to a sustainable purchasing policy, in which the origin of the plants and the reliability of the grower are central. With PlanetProof we take our responsibility and underline the requirements of sustainable business in the green sector. With the certificate we ensure a responsible logistic flow of the trees and plants that are purchased from the growers.


Olaf Nijenkamp
E. olaf@olaf-nijenkamp.nl
T. 0653377432