FGC World Congress

• When: 23-26 September 2024
• Where: Beatrix Building / Theatre (Beatrixgebouw) (opposite Jaarbeurs exhibition halls)

From 23 to 26 September 2024, over the course of four days, more than 3,000 experts from around the world will share their passion and knowledge about the liveable green city with a future. The Beatrixgebouw of the Royal Jaarbeurs is the beating heart of the Future Green City World Congress. The Future Green City World Congress is an initiative of Royal Association Stadswerk the Netherlands and the Royal Dutch society for garden designers and landscapers (VHG), in cooperation with World Urban Parks (WUP) and the International Federation of Municipal Engineering (IFME). Organisers are Stadswerk, VHG and the City of Utrecht.

Visit trade fair with congress badge

On Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 September, conference participation can be combined with a visit to the public space trade fair: Expo for Public Space. The congress badge allows participants a free visit to the trade fair. There are also guided tours to exhibitors who have signed up for this.

Visit trade fair

If you want to visit the Expo for Public Space but not as a participant of FGC World Congress, you can register for a 2-day visitors pass for free here.

Fore more information visit the website of the FGC World Congress.