
Sustainable and Biological Wastewater Management

We degrease, unscented, and clean wastewater in a sustainable and biological manner. We offer solutions for recurring grease problems and odor nuisance in sewer systems, pumping stations, sump pits, and grease traps. Our full-service approach means that advising, installation, monitoring, and replacement are always carried out by one of our experts.

Biological and Sustainable Solutions for Grease Breakdown

A clogged sewer and grease buildup in drainage systems are annoying and common problems. Oils and fats adhere to the system, and other materials stick to them. The result is blockages and unpleasant odors. Our 'Groene Vetvreters' remove grease buildup and blockages in sinks, drainpipes, and sewers.

Because the 'Groene Vetvreter' work preventively, such problems are avoided in the future. This significantly reduces your maintenance costs. For example, grease traps need to be emptied less frequently, and sewer unclogging is less often necessary.



Anke Sjerp