
UPPACT the UnWaste Company

In the Netherlands, more than 70% of plastic (and textile) waste is not recycled or reused, but incinerated. And for that 70% of incinerated plastics, we have a unique solution: the UnWastor.

In the Eemshaven, our test installation, the 'UnWastor', is located, which processes the difficult to recycle mixed plastic and textile waste flows unsorted, unwashed and unshredded into robust and 100% recyclable building materials. UPPACT is now building the first DEMO factory with a capacity of 4000 tons of production per year in Delfzijl. This DEMO factory will be started up in the first half of 2025.

We focus on those flows that cannot be recycled by others and are now mostly incinerated. And we prefer to work as circularly as possible. This means that we process YOUR plastic/textile waste flows into building materials that are also used by or for applications that you are waiting for. The great thing is that we also have an end-of-life/use solution: if our material breaks or is no longer used, we can take it back and recycle it into… poles or planks. And then the waste we process never has to become waste again. That is what we call circular.

If you have plastic and textile waste flows and/or are interested in products or applications that can be made from them, we would like to get in touch with you before, during or after the Vakbeurs Openbare Ruimte.