
Weed control, a real specialism The market for weed control has changed enormously in recent years. Not only in the Netherlands but also in the rest of Europe, the use of chemical substances is becoming increasingly strict. Unfortunately, after the introduction of the ban (2016), it is under fire again in 2021. Fortunately, the professional remains consistent and simply believes in the non-toxic way to control the weeds. Fortunately, they do not resort to old (often outdated) methods, but focus on the future.

There's NO Planet B, act NOW. Future is here

At Weed Control B.V. you have come to the right place. Not only do we develop and produce our own WeedControl machines ourselves. Our aim is certainly also to train the professionals and to transfer knowledge. After all, the people who have to work with the machines make the difference. By means of training, courses and education we ensure that your staff can carry out weed management in a good way. All our machines are developed in collaboration with the end user, they know best what works in practice.

With Weed Control, you can bring the development of weeds to a halt as quickly as possible in as few steps as possible. This significantly increases your striking power.

Weed Control has applied several technical principles to improve your productivity. The working speed is optimal, which means that more meters can be made per unit of time. Our machines have a large operating radius thanks to the lowest possible consumption of energy and active substances. Sound constructions and smart choice of materials keep repairs and maintenance to a minimum.

Our machines therefore do what you have purchased them for: controlling weeds.

Weed Control B.V. is a 100% original Dutch organization. We try to stay as close as possible to you as a customer and end user. Only together can we achieve the desired end goal.

Do you have questions about weed control, rules, legislation or other matters? Feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you.



Jos Kleinloog
E. jos@weedcontrol.nl
T. 06-10186006